Steelhead Eye

photo by Marty Sheppard I just came across this photo on our desktop, in a folder named Pete and it took my breath away. What a gorgeous p...

Sandy River Spey Clave

photo by Ken Anderson The Sandy River Spey Clave and The Fly Fishing Shop in Welches, Oregon is hosting the 2nd annual ladies day at the Sa...

Hardy Virgin

I’m a virgin, not literally but a Hardy virgin. I’ve held a Hardy once or twice but never had my own, until three weeks ago, a new Bougle MK...

Report or Not to Report

The Sandy River is a pretty and intimate river. All the fly fishing guides like a certain section of water to get away from the "crowds...

Scott MacKenzie Video

This video has been some of my inspiration lately as I practise for Spey-O-Rama . The video "Spey Casting Masterclass" covers eve...

Jeff Hickman

Local party boy fly designer, conservationist, and guide extraodinar keeps it real. Thought we would throw out some links to one of our favo...

Alaska 1997

Marty and I have both spent an extensive amount of time in Alaska, not just fishing on rivers but commercial fishing in the late 1990's....

Ed Ward

Mia and I spent a day on the Skagit with Ed before it closed in early February. This is our second year in a row going up and playing on thi...

Testament of a Fisherman

Photograph by Ken Hammond, USDA "I fish because I love to; because I love the environs where trout are found, which are invariably bea...

Spey_O_Rama 2010

Get ready for Spey -O-Rama 2010 April 9,10,11 . Keep updated on the latest , check in on Speypages . Competitors this year will include: G...