We Blog
Check out a few blogs that Native Fish Society River Stewards have created. You can stay updated on conservation issues related to wild Salmon or just read daily rants.
Will Atlas, NFS North Puget Sound Steward, Osprey Steelhead News .Will Atlas graduated in 2008 from the University of Washington's school of Aquatics and Fisheries Sciences. Starting in the fall of 2009 he will be starting graduate work in the department of Biology at Simon Fraser University. A life-long angler, he is passionate about the conservation and recovery of wild trout and salmon throughout the northwest, and in 2006 he joined the FFF steelhead committee which publishes The Osprey: The Conservation Journal of Wild Salmonids. In 2008 he became a member of The Ospreys editorial committee. In addition to contributing to the Journal, as Vice Chair of Communications, he regularly updates the Osprey blog in hopes of sharing relevant news regarding the management, science and politics surrounding steelhead and salmon in the Pacific Northwest.
Bill Bakke, NFS Executive Director, Home Waters and Wild Fish Bill grew up fly fishing rivers and streams throughout Oregon and Washington. Early on, he noticed a difference between hatchery steelhead and their native counterparts. Bill soon began studying the science behind that observation - specifically, the damaging effects of hatchery fish on wild populations. He continues that work to this day, more than 30 years after he began it. Whether the topic is fishing regulations, dam removal, salmon farms, hatchery controversies, drought, water quality concerns or endangered species listings - Bill Bakke is the local authority on fish issues.
Russell Bassett , NFS River Steward Coordinator, WildFish4Every1 Russell's passion for salmon, steelhead and trout brought him to the Native Fish Society from a career in journalism, where at one time or another he worked as a newspaper reporter, photographer, designer and editor. The more Russell has researched fisheries in Oregon, the more he is appalled by the emphasis placed on harvest and hatcheries. Russell is an ardent supporter of natural production to produce sustainable fisheries and is committed to stopping the threats to wild salmonid recovery in the Pacific Northwest. Russell serves as the NFS Steward coordinator, grant writer and newsletter editor, and assists with administration and development duties.
Shane Stewart , NFS Sea-run Cutthroat Steward, The Quiet Pool Shane is a strong advocate for wild fish and especially wild coastal cutthroat trout. He is a native northwestern who has fly fished for over 35 years and served with various conservation groups in the region. He feels we are obligated as sportsmen to care for and conserve whatever wild coldwater resources there are in this region and has dedicated himself to that end.After retirement hemade a commitment to help restore the wild salmon and trout populations on the north coast of Oregon. The steelhead broodstock programs on the north coast are especially troubling to Shane as it involves what boils down to "strip mining" wild eggs and turning them into hatchery fish.Shane is not necessarily the most "genteel" person when it comes to wild fish issues he believes wild salmonids are the heritage we must pass onto future generation.
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